Context Menus

At runtime, you can use the right-click context menus to interact with the discoveries on your presentation and perform further analysis of your data on-the-fly. This lets you explore your data more fully than you could do in a PDF or other non-interactive format.

The right-click context menus always show functionality related to the selected item. As an example, the context menu that you see when you right-click a discovery differs from that of a legend or slicer.

Context Menu Configuration

What appears on your context menus can be controlled in the following manner:

  • Your administrator can select the functions that you should be shown in the Runtime Settings.
  • You can configure the appearance of your context menu in the User Defaults.

Note: The New Context Menu option in the General User Defaults indicates whether the context menu should be flat list or should be grouped beneath meaningful subheadings. For more information, see User Defaults.

Context Menu Items




Run any actions that have been built for the selected content item or items. Actions allow your users to jump to another place in the presentation (slide, mini-tab, or content item), open a URL, or open a tooltip at runtime. Actions can also allow your users to run some JavaScript that you wrote, causing a custom behavior.

Analyze Further

Open a discovery in the Discover Lite tool. Note: You can edit and save the discovery from this view. This is particularly useful if you edit your discovery and save your changes.

Build New Alert

Build a new alert for the given data point. This option is only enabled once the presentation has been saved.

Change Visual

Change the visualization type used by the discovery. For example, change the grid into a pie chart or area chart.

Copy Content / Copy Raw Data

Copy the raw data associated with a discovery. This content can then be pasted in Excel. Right-click on the discovery's background to view this option. There is a limit of 400,000 cells.

Conditional Formatting

Highlight important items using mathematical or logical rules and graphical adjustments to the underlying chart or grid.

Dice, Add, Swap, Remove

  • Dice a member by another hierarchy.
  • Swap the selected hierarchy for another one.
  • Add a selected hierarchy to the query.
  • Remove the selected hierarchy from the query.

Drill functions

When working with discoveries containing user hierarchies, right-click on a member to drill down, drill up, or drill to a specific level. When working with charts, access these functions by right-clicking on the members listed in the chart's legend.

Expand Down and Collapse

If the discovery contains a user hierarchy, right-click on the member rows to expand down to the next level. To collapse a level, right-click on its parent level and select Collapse. When working with charts, access these functions by right-clicking on the members listed in the chart's legend.

Focus or Eliminate Data Point

Focus or eliminate a data point or a member. Right-click on the relevant data point. For example, for grids, this is a cell.


Cross-filter the discoveries.

Rate Item

Assign a rating to the given item.

Selected Members / Member Selection

Select the relevant member, and then dice it by another hierarchy, or focus or eliminate it.

Start New Workflow or Conversation

Start a new workflow or conversation.

Show Workflows or Conversations

Show existing workflows or conversations.


View a summary of the selected discovery, including its filters (the measures it contains), statistics (the number of columns, rows, and cells it contains), and its metadata.


Where a data interaction has been configured the Interact button will be enabled. You can use it to cross-filter discoveries

OData Link

Capture a special URL or Snippet that allows a link to be created that reads result set of the item's query into another client technology that consumes data.


Switch the axes:

  • For charts, right-click on the chart background or legend.
  • For grids, right-click on the background or header.

Quick Filter

Quick filter by the top or bottom count or percent. When working with grids, right-click on a measure header for this option.

Quick Sort

Quick sort according to values or labels. When working with grids, right-click on a measure header for this option.


Access the Totals functions. For grids, right-click on the background or header.